I've been following the argument between you and he, and you're completely right; it's bizarre how staying kind and respectful can (eventually) whittle them down and change their approach/tone.
I've been following the argument between you and he, and you're completely right; it's bizarre how staying kind and respectful can (eventually) whittle them down and change their approach/tone.
I think many people feel the same way, but would never admit it.
I've heard a few people up here (Canada) use it to describe a hot girl. Perhaps I should stop... :)
No no... "smokeshow" as in "she's super hot"... hahaha... sorry, I guess the slang got a little mixed up there.
It's so bizarre to me that this even happens, considering nerds were historically harassed /excluded for years. It seems like they'd be the last ones to act in this way to another group. It's pretty fucked up, really.
Her accent just adds to the fact that she's a total S M O K E S H O W.
Interesting post. The thing I always get a kick out of is this... whenever somebody disagrees/has another angle than the author of an (this) article, those defending said article just about always seem to pull the "you miss the point" or "you don't understand what the author is trying to say" card. Just taking a quick…
Yea, I'd have to go with S.B. Yamato, the SDF-1, Battlestar Galactica, and the U.S.S. Sulaco (Alien) as my fave's. No point in posting pix... I'm sure ya'll have teh interwebs somewhere handy...
That is so accurate... and depressing...