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The first thing to cross my mind after reading this article was this sound effect.

Considering that some are profession critics and they even state that the first act has problems...uh, yes.

Christ, you’re like the guy last week telling me it’s ok to drive your WRX like a rally car because “pedigree” but then bitching about blowing up transmissions when driven as such.

It’s a sporty commuter car that has almost nothing in common with a rally spec car other than drivetrain layout and branding.

You are aware that boxers are commonly referred to as “fighters” and a boxing match is typically referred to as a “fight,” correct? And even technical or defensive boxers are known as “technical fighters” or “defensive fighters.” And he’s 49-0. If Laura had called him one of the greatest knockout artists or sluggers,

I don’t want to be this guy, but none of those cars are rear engined, they’re mid-engined...

Vader's March in a major key sounds like some unknown country's national anthem.

...that Michael Jordan’s father was killed by the mafia due to his inability to pay off gambling debts

There’s no way Lee Harvey Oswald acted or shot alone in JFK’s assassination.

INCOMPLETE! lol, what an idiot

You have strange tastes, this is a better Aston than recent Astons.

He’s not the first person to say this. Most secondaries also think Weeden’s passes are gifted.

Good decisions aren’t exactly something he’s familiar with.

The rocket fist was used in official Konami promotional videos long before the game released.

Shortly after telling his teammates, “It’s going to take a lot more than that to take me out!”

I think these guys had a pretty disastrous trip.

Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.

Except those video games aren’t an official production of the United States government.

I can’t believe this question still needs answered.

This became a disaster after John Lithgow