
Oh shit really!?

That is a lot of torque.

Because the engine makes copious amounts of hp and has a small footprint against other V8's.

I bought it today and played it for a couple hours without any headset of any kind. It's not oculus exclusive.

Clearly a Kamehamaeha.

I recommend watching both. The original is nice since it was the beginning, but the visuals are of the time. The updated one adds a lot and looks gorgeous. Same with the Gundam shows, the old ones are great for the story but are chessy on the animation. While the new ones are just awesome to watch.

I could listen to Sir Jackie all day.

Cost of ownership would be way higher though. Kia would be cheaper in the long run.

Great for him and American F1 fans, but still sucks that Jules isn't in that seat.

Looks like a shadow to me.

I really really can't see this happening. Makes no sense for him to move to a former team who is about to use a race unproven engine next season. While he's on pace to win the championship this year with a wholly proven race engine. Just seems crazy.

Looks like a lot of fun.

The green flag was for the section after the accident, double yellow was being waived for the proceeding are where the crash happened.

When did France grow a pair?

I quite enjoy Peter's delivery, feels robotic to me like it should.

I met my wife on match.com, we just had our first kid. Online dating worked for us.

You had to go and remind me that that the 323 GTX exists and that I cannot find one to buy, thanks a lot.

These guys make the best videos.

As a 348 lover it's awesome to see this body extended, really looks like it was meant for it. Gorgeous piece of machinery.

Ricciardo was fanstastic, star of the race. This guy is going to win championships.