
Oh, and the very end of Ninja Gaiden 2. On hard. With one Talisman of Rebirth and no health items, and not enough orbs to buy more. 3 bosses in a row, how is that even fun?

@Bhazor: hahaha, ooh man. I remember that. When they first showed up I remember laughing and thinking, "Ha, are you serious? Tanks?" And then the laughter quickly turned to frustration as you may know.

One of the hardest moments for me in my gaming history has to be from Soul Caliber 3. In the mode where you go across a board and have to kill whoever is there (the name of it escapes me)... they put me in some absolutely ridiculous conditions. One particular example stands out: The enemy is constantly regaining

Sure, getting $85.85 worth of stuff when you only have to pay $49.99 for it all sounds great, but over half of it is stuff I'm uninterested in (Magic Orbz booster pack for free! Oh BOY!). Still though, I think in time things will get better and maybe there will be better options.

@Tyber_Zann: bahaha gets funnier every time.

@Killer Toilet: Oh my gosh this brings back so many memories. Thank you.

This is great! I love post-apocalyptic movies and have recently been looking for some more to view. I've had Right At Your Door in my Netflix queue for a while now, just haven't been able to find the time to watch it. Great list!

I don't think that's really Steve Jobs. Do you think he would go through every single email he gets and respond to it? I mean, maybe it's someone who works at Apple. It just seems pretty unlikely to me that a guy like Steve Jobs would take his time and respond to some emails.

I'm really glad that this isn't going to be just a port of the PS3 version, or vice versa. It's pretty cool that they're making two fairly different games to cater to each different system.

@justinpe: I see what you're saying and agree with you. It's an uncommon height to drop something. Maybe it fell on to a table?

@Patient: Agreed. I think more developers should take note and come out with more cell shaded games- this looks absolutely beautiful.

lolz at all the puns people are saying :)

@JayJello: Don't even get me started on the pillow stuffing level. I was never fast enough to finish before the dino riding ninjas came in and vaporized me.

@Batman: That would be soo legit! You should submit that idea to Microsoft :P

For the HDD transfer cable: Check eBay. Just got mine for 5 bucks including shipping.

@Ouisch: exactly what I was thinking. If this photo is from this year, why would they have Beatles: Rock Band?

@Altima NEO: for a second there I thought this was going to be some awesome new Banjo Kazooie or something.


@legendnthemaking: I don't know if this was intentional or not, but I read this while listening to the music... and it was beautiful. Bravo, friend.