
@GeneralBattuta: I agree. I'm surprised that they didn't list the other big titles like Gears of War, Halo, and Mass Effect.

Yeesh, what can't you add balls to nowadays?

Ha, his name is Spectre. :P

@Goldwings: Agreed. Best I've seen in ages.

So playing the PS3 in 3D makes you go insane?

there's no dragons in Deathly Hallows!

dangit... I only bought that exact stuff (PS3, Little Big Planet and an HDMI cable) like 2 weeks ago. If I only I waited! :(

Oh my goodness, if they re-released Shadow of the Colossus and Ico I would be ecstatic. SotC was one of my favorite games of last generation, and I would love to play it all over again in glorious HD. I'd also like to see the Jak series and (oh I wish) Okami.

@Win Laik Pya: I rented Red Dead and I thought it was pretty good, but not something I'd buy. This song is making me think otherwise... now I need to go rent it again because I never got to that part you explained!

I think the U-Play thing is a very good idea. Unlocking in-game items and costumes by unlocking achievements has been a hope of mine and I bet many others - and now it's come true! :D

@rymas1: I love threadless! Every tshirt I own is from there. ;)

I agree. I think menus are often underrated and can make a game go from decent to great. Dead Space has one of my favorite menus - it keeps me immersed in the game and it doesn't feel out of place whatsoever.

When I was around 11 or 12 I wrote to Nintendo asking for some strategy tips in Pikmin. Much to my surprise, I got a letter back explaining exactly how to overcome my troubles. Or was it Nintendo Power?

@DunnCarnage: I know what you mean. My family went out and bought a wii motion plus for 2 of our wiimotes when they released. Would've been nicer to have had it built in. Ah well. What can you do.

If I could fly around like the person does in the first video, I'd actually play WoW.

Yeah. It was either turning everything invisible or not letting me join my friend's match. Also sounds like some people had it worse than others. In my case, it was pretty bad. everything was turning invisible.

@spannu: That just made my day. Thanks.