If it’s ventilated, it is awesome. Nothing like cool air being blown on your junk through tiny perforated dead cow.
If it’s ventilated, it is awesome. Nothing like cool air being blown on your junk through tiny perforated dead cow.
Liberal shill website. Huh.
Arnold Palmer died in Pittsburgh, Pa. today, according to Golfweek. He was +15.
They do. It’s called property taxes. You only really own the rights to your land. You don’t own the land.
Shoulda let it happen, coulda sued and won a sweet tow truck
Pace notes be like
Found the never-nude.
OK, I’ll assume you were sincere and try to explain.
Proof that NYC is super nice now: nobody threw whoever pulled the emergency brake off the bridge.
I didn’t even know the Olympics were going on. I’m so busy snapchatting and instagramming and facebooking all my millennial peeps. No time for anything else! Nope. I’m just so stuck in this technology bubble!
As a millenial, according to NBC, I’m too engrossed in my various technology bubbles to care about this. Fuck off NBC.
He entered thirteen hundredths of a second behind and handed off to the next leg a full second ahead. In a distance that is usually decided by those hundreths. The guys a swimming god.
Cognitive dissonance is a sneaky fucker
I love this thread. Guys defending women by invoking images of hate-fucking, berating you for not knowing as much as a “girl”, and implying that you should be violently sodomized with a baseball bat.
No, that’s still illegal because you’re not paying fuel taxes on the vegtable oil. Government’s got to get theirs.
Why are IOC Directors dressed as Brazilian Police Officers?
80 consecutive quarter mile runs to burn through an entire tank of gas
Dude, you’re so obviously Ford corporate or a Ford dealer, it hurts. You’d help you cause by shutting off your computer right now.