
So unlike the Southern US special, this post stoning flee was real!

Sometimes, being a provocative twat backfires.

I dunno, they sort of played like #2.

I come to Deadspin for informative and hilarious commentary and articles. I don't come to Deadspin to listen to some homer write an article with a bs title and whiny complaints. Bad calls went both ways. Oregon is not the #2 team in football.

they also have wheels and side view mirrors....

They're both blue and have two doors...

Thank you for the refreshing voice of reason in a sea of idiots.

It should be under 5 seconds if it's an S-class competitor. We know it will be compared.

Or make an insanely fast hybrid V utilizing systems similar to the current crop of hypercars from McLaren, Ferrari, Porsche, Lamborghini...

Shift in reverse on the highway? Lose your testicles.

The idea that one should be able to find good Southern food in the cultural heart of Yankee elitism is laughable.

He went looking for fried chicken in New York City. If you go looking for fried chicken, or salsa for that matter, in New York City, you deserve your fate.

For the record, most of the Southern food up there is shit. Absolute shit. Think I went to one place while living there, up around 125th, that was passable. The rest...ugh.

There's already a snake on it... His name is on the windscreen.

"You can rabidly defend an unfunny joke all you want."

You have to willfully ignore the fact that Cole-bear is a character, taking conservative viewpoints to extreme (but logical) ends to make a point. This isn't a case where he accidentally revealed his true feelings; he purposefully used outrageous language to point out the hypocrisy in Snyder's organization.

I think of it less as recycling, more of a topical reference.

They coulda made a donation to the Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever, but i heard it got shut down.

Merits of the case aside, I'm now resenting this accusation leveled at America, Land of the Brave and Home of the Free (™), that we were the source of the original complaint. Take some personal responsibility, United Kingdom, like American Hero and World Savior Ronald Reagan (™) would've done.