Got any stats showing how effective they are? I would think the much harsher penalties have more to do with the effectiveness.
Got any stats showing how effective they are? I would think the much harsher penalties have more to do with the effectiveness.
So you're okay with these nice officers searching your house for drugs and other contraband, right? They're searching all the houses in your neighborhood, because studies show it will reduce crime and make you safer. Thank you citizen.
Why stop there. Let's make alcohol illegal. Would you complain about that?
What about the non-drunkard who does not want to live in a police state?
What if I want to be left alone as I drive to work and home?
If you want to catch drunks, do that. Pull them over when they cross the center line, respond to reports to 911, don't hassle me on my way to work.
From the above:
Shut up and take my money!
Personally I'd always rather go with the former, because at least then you can eat at Cinnabon. There's no Cinnabon when you're trapped on the runway for five hours.
Sadly, because Ford and Volvo are no longer those awkward teenage cousins who have hot makeout sessions at family reunions while the other relatives gorge on potato salad and complain about how biased the newspaper is these days, the new RS won't have a turbo five-cylinder engine like the last one. Boooo! Instead, it…
The UAW names Tennessee Governor William Haslam, among a half dozen state officials, in conducting a "coordinated and widely-publicized coercive campaign" to dissuade workers from backing the UAW.
The UAW is just upset that somebody out intimidated them.
Not at all. I have no issue with good hockey - Canada played a great game. It was the predictable shit-talking from Canadians that brought this on. I mean, come on, for fuck's sake, this is like me wasting the breath to talk shit to or about CLF'ers. It's laughable. Canada has no excuse not to beat us and they…
Yeah, because Canada isn't flooded with poor immigrants with no hope of economic advancement either. Cause those Somali drug dealers in Toronto that sold Rob Ford his crack cocaine and made a video are obviously rising up above the socio-economic class they entered as. Cause there are no public housing developments…
To be fair, you do smell like ass.
It was frustrating to watch - the lack of adjustments was astounding.
We aren't speaking in per capita terms. The US is far more relevant in virtually every discipline, every facet of science, and every industry than is Canada.
Shut it down, folks. We have a winner!!!
Well-played, sir. +1,000,000
If I knew what calendar Canadians used, I would try and confirm that prototypicality was the word of the day. You are really impressing everyone.
Yeah, well guess what? Now that we have black people, we're starting to get good at basketball!
While, as an American, I certainly appreciate your praise for one of my countrymen. However, I feel obligated to point out that YOU PEOPLE SPELL DEFENSE FUNNY!!!!!