
He also got the teacher blacklisted at Hop Sing's, so.....

Big whoop. My wife's been carrying my balls for years.

Peter King immediately posted a story where ten anonymous scouts, assistant coaches, and player personnel types said that this would in no way be a "distraction" to a team.

Wipe off the spit and removing yourself from the situation.

Of greater concern is how quickly Darren Sharper showed up at the scene once he found out she was unconscious.

Rice was arrested for uppercutting his fiance in AC after he saw her getting cozy at the blackjack tables with his arch nemesis Ray Couscous.

And the purpose of the internet reveals itself.

Anyone else feel like these emails are none of our fucking business?

Dear North,

North, we eagerly await to hear about how "hot" your Summers are.

You can have your Pittsburgh.


Everyone in the South

Reads like all 4000-odd people banned were actually cheating though, so what would you be suing for then?


Well what I'm saying to you is I think the conditions and lack of experience are equal factors one is not more then the other. My uncle has lived in Atlanta for the past 2 years but for 15 prior to that he lived in Minneapolis, he drives a lifted wrangler with 32 inch bfg all terrains which should be much more

Like I said elsewhere in the comments:

Up north they get 2 feet of snow, sure. And you drive on snow, and that's that. In the South, it's 65 degrees at noon and raining, at 6pm it drops to 25 and you get freezing rain that turns to snow at midnight, then turns to sleet at 6am, which turns to snow at 11, then stops then it all freezes into a crusty ice

I'd agree with you, but Ice is Ice, and that kind of ice is very very tricky to drive on. Anyone here in the Midwest or northeast would have a very difficult time driving on a solid sheet of ice.

That's part of it, but some roads do become literally impassable. For anyone who doesn't live around here, it's difficult to explain the road situation. Every road has grades and hills, even the highways. Once you leave the highways, the roads add curves to go with those hills, as well as shade over the road.