
@Twyst3d: Trolltastic! (if uncatchy)

@Twyst3d: OH! That's what you were arguing for...I thought you were just arguing about something you can barely relate to because the previous policy didn't affect you and neither will the change.

@Kobun: You're gonna love my nuts.

@-Thunder-: My eyes roll at 3/4 of the gamertags I see. Why do you care so much that gay (or straight, bi, lesbian, transgender — people are ignoring the inclusiveness of the policy change.) gamers that wish to proclaim their preference can now make the equally suspect choice as whiteboy34, coolguy or

@Twyst3d: Fail. You really think skinheads or KKK could really make a case to advertise their hate based doctrine on XBOX Live if they dared or bothered to fight for this right. This is not the same issue. Not even a nice try.

@cipher.Cero: Kotaku alerted me that you were responding to one of my posts. Apparently that wasn't the case.

@cipher.Cero: Please, the levels of asshatery on LIVE are not going up or down because of this announcement. The same jerks that were there prior have the same chance of being reported and banned for their wicked behaviour now.

@SPni: Zactly. "I don't want to read it" is not a valid answer because Family Setting preferences on XBOX 360 can be set to never display anyone's profile. So-called sensibilities protected. Problem solved.

@cipher.Cero: Are 'badges' that distracting or offensive? Really?? If they matter so little then shouldn't they also be easy to overlook?

@MrGone1980: Nice. I think it was a very useful analogy especially given your audience. As a left-handed, gay, black nerd it really hit home. Thanks.

@Letiumtide: Fair enough. That's an observation I can get behind. Cheers.

@rogXue: Your fears are unfounded. XBOX 360 has very robust parental controls via the Family Settings Preferences. For example:

@TRT-X: It doesn't add anything but it doesn't effectively take anything away either. Out of 20 million gamertags and profiles well over half of them are cryptic or nonsensical. The information gleaned from a random players XBL account is usually quite forgettable. This change doesn't help or hinder that.

@drweazel: You speak truly. Many kids do not realize what 'gay' and 'fag' really mean in the first place and use it as a swear or curse out of ignorance. Change is a process and steps like this is an example of it in progress.

As nice as some posters are trying to put their views they still come off as sounding like, "They already get to ride the bus. Why do they want to sit up front with us?"

@Letiumtide: The "I know plenty of gays who agree with my intolerant views" defense is air tight. Well done.... :|

@TheAngryHeretic: The information is not essential (to online gaming in specific) but it's not without meaning or merit either.

@Győző Baki: If you're not 'looking' then you can overlook it. If I choose to include this kind of info in my profile I know the "risk" I'm taking. Just as I do if I were to mentioned it on the street, tell my co-workers, sticker my car or post about it in this forum.

Jeez people, a gaming blog abounds in text. Why are there so many posters averse to reading the filing? Read the court documents or not, but please don't complain 'tldr' or beg for Cole's notes. This story will be ongoing and Kotaku et al. will surely have more to say in the near future if you can't bring yourself to