
@jimmuhpage: Was that one of Kaim's missing memories from Lost Odyssey's "Thousand Years of Dreams."? I thought I got them all. Guess not. Well done.

@cfive3: Tingle cameo confirmed.

The perfect DRM solution is designing and developing a game so awesome that players feel beholden to pay you for it.

@nosauz: FNM players and people that attend pre-release and release tourney only are the more casual crowd I am referring to. These players are plentiful and they do not care as much about rules-lawyering and optimum deck builds as the pro players — the ones you feel are being slighted by changes like manaburn — do.

@nosauz: I said casual/non-tournament players. My point is that the more casual style players collectively buy more cards.

@nosauz: A Vintage/Legacy deck got nerfed!? Magic is dead.

@FeatherNET - Live in Canada: The creator of this set seems to be attempting a serious design so I think the serious criticism is warranted. I've designed plenty of cards in the past. If I were designing a Zelda set and releasing it to the public I would certainly welcome this kind of feedback. It might appear to be

@nosauz: No more manaburn is simply a loss of nostalgia. It rarely ever was a significant factor during play. The removal of manaburn effectively gimped 15 cards out of thousands and most of these are out of print.

@ant800: Thorough analysis. Misspelled "afterwards". ;)

@Melhavic: I never did play Shadowgeist but I am pretty sure I'd like to. :)

@Alex_Mexico: Not silly if the new final boss is a glowy wire-frame named Retkon. ;)

Please be Skullomania! Pleeease!!! [squeals, crosses fingers]

@jafo18006: Canada beta'd the game and we've been playing ever since. Canada the country....not the 'state' you drive through to get to Alaska.

@MrBounce: Ah the magic of the interwebs. :)

@MrBounce: Check again. I read GameSpot...and GamePro.

@EderC: Just in case people weren't aware, the opening footage from this "tech demo" is used in the post credits epilogue of Crisis Core on PSP. That prequel is as close as you're gonna get to a remake of FFVII.

@mrpibb79: Exactly true. Apple hasn't made the creation of a genuine gaming platform a priority yet. This is still a multi-pronged attack on a diverse selection of related but distinct markets including gaming. Some users will consider iPad over the Kindle. Others will opt for it over a comparable netbook or tablet.

@Talleh: See this is why the Internet is better than television. This thread went from G4 to E! to CSI to Big Brother in 5 minutes, all with no commericials.

@Koztah: By that rationale, the phrase 'in general', the XBOX Live leanings of the OP, the prevalence of Steam, and plain common sense don't mean anything to you.

@McGreed: It 'was' downloadable, and there 'was' content. The difference between a patch and DLC in general is one is forced and the other is optional.