
@resvrgam: Seth doesn't bug me that much. Blanka and Dhalsim are classic but their designs and movesets are whimsical perhaps bordering on freakish too so he is not exactly out that of place. He is just the more recent addition and therefore more easily apocryphal to some players, understandably so.

@dae_giovanni: C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker! I was going to follow/friend you earlier based on your previous comments in the thread after I was finished reading but this forced my hand and sealed the deal. You sir are full of The Awesome.

Great stuff Soldier_CLE. Had I been on the ball I would have nominated a comment of yours re: "Sony Calls Out 360 And Wii For Peddling Add-Ons" because you rocked that thread too. Not only were your comments on point you also managed to inspire diverse counterpoints from the PS3 crowd and the potentially flamey

The ultimate resolution to this war is the mythical All-In-Wonder game box!

@tim rogers: I fell for you shameless plug and I have to say that your site has it's charms.

I like the 1UP brand but it's the people like Shane, Phil, Nick, Andrew, Anthony, Mielke, Ryan and Garnet that keep me interested and engaged each week. 1UP Yours & 1UP FM (and the 1UP Show to a lesser degree) were essential to my week.

@Dan Fiorante: Fail at 'primetime' life. (Which not all of us chose to live, tv is quite overrated) Fixed.

"Lips is getting its DLC act together." Capital HMMMZ.

Curious to why he would have waived his right to a trial by jury. This insanity plea is pretty flimsy given the attempt to stage a murder/suicide scene but a jury might have fallen for it. As it stands this kid is going to prison and I predict the judge's verdict will neither help nor hinder Halo or gaming's

Ah we will finally get to experience the cinematic version of 'love from the Linden [money] trees.'

Great first date! See ya tonight.

@TRT-X: It has a similar feel but if I fell for this pitch the 'funny friend' may actually give me something for my investment. Even as a conversation piece the Keydrumtar seems worth the cash.

As a middle area user I cannot wait for the Funny Band system to grant me band space because no game like performing on on-line such as Funny Band.

@Hiroken: We can't bust heads like we used to. But we have our ways. One trick is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. .... So I tied an onion to my belt. Which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. Gimme five bees for a

@killah101: I have already created a fantastic working prototype. I call it the Hyper-Hype 9000+ Turbo EX+Alpha. When it is finally released this revolutionary device will change everything we know about everything. EVERYTHING. In addition it will lower your long distance bill. Oh yeah, expect co-op at launch.