@Quipp: Halodeck. LMAO. Fanboy much. EDIT ** Holodeck.
@Quipp: Halodeck. LMAO. Fanboy much. EDIT ** Holodeck.
Anything short of VR contact lenses or a halodeck is not going to allow for the immersion Spielberg is looking for.
@EnigmaNemesis: Yes he was far to general about the issue.
I work overnights at a call center and while we're allowed to bring laptops, consoles are verbotten. This rig would be my ultimate workaround.
@kicking222: Game Cake Fatigue...as serious an issue to me as Umbrella Rage or Blog Addiction.
@coveredinblood: Mt s grt bt th ptn t dsmvwl XBX Lv plyrs wld b hlrs!
It turns my stomach that some people who spout racist or bigoted comments for comedy's sake don't like being called a racist or a bigot and can't understand why others don't get their flavour of funny.
@Netnavi: Kotaku. I come for the sensationalism and stay for the classy flames and backhanded compliments. Oh yeah, and the news, gamer-style.
@seamonkey420: @JustJake:
@Aeralindor: I eventually used the Assassin's Creed Map fan site to find and track flag and templar locations if I had trouble. The maps were excellent and the cookie-enabled location checklists and pics presented there were invaluable. But really this tracking functionality should have been included in-game in the…
@lamebrain: I also <3 Assassin's Creed. 1000/1000'd the game last week. Can't wait for the sequel(s).
@TheRemedy: I consider the yellowing to be the same as the distinguished aura imbued by white hair, wrinkles and age spots.
@placebofx: Just plugged it in for some Tetris Attack! Confirmed.
@drock214: It's the treasure trail that won me over. Amazing attention to detail! :D
@jeremyschultz: "You're right, I've never seen an Xbox 360 with a green ring. All the ones I see are red. But I'm a PS3 user, and have finished the few games worth playing and now post RROD 'jokes' to random threads on the Intrawebs in anticipation of the mythical 'Year of the PS3' to finally arrive, so what do I…
@Kukuk2: Yep, that pic definitely presents the drag queen version of herself. If she was in a Christina look-a-like contest she'd probably place third a la Charlie Chaplin mythos.
@Cheesewheel: I never called 'you' a name. I cited your 'words' as obvious and inflamatory. And to quote you once again (man you are quite quotable):
@resvrgam: You're not about to start a Current_TV episode to explain how much it offends you because it would be a complete waste of film that no one would find relevant or interesting unlike the Gaymer doc. Man, you put the e in ignorant.
@Cheesewheel: Well you've sum up your original post quite succinctly.
@robinandtami: Pow! AWESOMENESS abounds. ;)