Quintin West

I would just like to steal a plane to be honest.

This just proves neckbeards can't do anything well outside of choosing terrible cartoons to watch and having really good pointless talents. Sorry guys I accidentally all your money.

You mad bro? I think you're just mad cause he scared the poop right out of your butthole. Sans abdominal pressure. All kidding aside, I know you're just trying to show everyone who blindly thinks the original ad was real, that its not. Its the same feeling I get when I see people post (Obviously) CGI ridden videos

Right? I mean, even on my "gaming" lenovo, the heat isnt nearly as crazy as a mac charger. Even at full load. It IS somewhat larger but come on. Theres no excuse for having a charger get that hot. Also, preach about aluminum unibodies all you want, its even ridiculous how hot apple laptops get doing very simple tasks.

I don't know how to say this without sounding like a conceded dick. But here's where you got a little confused I think; The gpu thats in an imac is a mobile gpu vs the one you picked out which is a full blown desktop gpu. Heres the comparison of the one you picked out and the one thats in the imac:

That is the biggest lie I have ever heard. Unless you got it used for a great price, I bet you could go to newegg and build a better machine for what u paid for your iMac.

You guys are aware that the world record for SPL is something like 180 db right? For reference, 1 pound of tnt at 10 feet is about 186db.

I like you a lot. Also, does it kind of annoy you though, watching kanye complain about all of this and feeling like... Man, everyone knows that, it's like watching a 16 year old grow up. Like you understand he's figuring stuff out, but why do we need to hear you bitch about it all the time. Is this what it's like to

Anyone else remember Gunz online? Yeah.

You make a good point Eric. However, Planet's point still makes more sense for me personally. As well I think a lot more people than not would agree too. As I sit in my bed typing this comment and surfing the general internet, I don't really need my mouse. Also being on windows 8, having a touch screen would be fun,


I think it'd be awesome. Mainly cause its bringing an interesting part of the world to another without really modifying the culture at all. And it gives a cool insight and a story without danger.

I'm sure Coca-cola and other companies are looking to move in to africa right now.

I couldn't agree more. Its not like the scion brand lacks in quality, but it just makes me have a sour taste in my mouth. Like knock off soda, or dollar store brand anything.


I wonder how many cool projects by people could be happening if they just had the money to do it like Musk does. Hes a light to us all showing that if you work hard enough and get lucky enough to meet the right people, you can start with a small amount and end up with bucketloads o money, lots of people helping you,

I whined about it the other day and im going to whine about it again. The mustang is supposed to be a different car that the taurus right? Cause the front sure looks a lot like the taurus... Goddamn designers be lazy.

Im too lazy to pull up other websites in addition to this one, but just check this out as food for thought. http://www.gunbanfacts.com/universal-back…
There is some pretty good reading here which helps point to good conclusions to the points or questions you guys bring up in this discussion.

Im too lazy to pull up other websites in addition to this one, but just check this out as food for thought. http://www.gunbanfacts.com/universal-back…
There is some pretty good reading here which helps point to good conclusions to the points or questions you guys bring up in this discussion.

Say what you want but isnt the movie about accurately representing what he actually did? Isn't that who Steve Jobs was? Why you are expecting the movie to be some blockbuster hit is beyond me. Sure they could have used different mechanics to make it more entertaining but Im sure that when I watch it, I will be