Quintin West

I love the new taurus styling as much as anyone else, but what the fuck are the designers at ford getting paid to do exactly? "Hey Earl, lets just use the same front end from the taurus, on the new mustang." "Thats a great idea Hank, lets us get paid for doing virtually nothing."

Seriously though, why use the same

Am I the only one seeing where this is going? Someone is now going to make a video card add-on for small laptops so they can play big boy games much easier. I'm telling you it's gonna happen.


You know what. never mind.

In a perfect world, I could see robots eventually realizing how some of us humans are bent on self destruction (1%ers im lookin at you) by how we misunderstand the need to be self perpetuating in the most efficient manner, and then they secretly link together and form an army. Then they start to form missions and

This tree looks like a weird bent penis. Just sayin.

For the love of god, get rid of those rims... please. Also that backend looks a little too round for me. Should be overall angled backward kinda. idk. Just my two cents.

So you can buy the normal game for $60. I feel stupid but someone please tell me what the deal is, do you get selected to win this $190k package or does everyone who wants it have to pay that much and they select one of those people? This article was written in a very confusing manner.

Thank god someone else knows why they did this.

I love it when they do this kind of stuff. There was an old building here in my city of Milwaukee that was on scaffolding for a few weeks. It was a much smaller building than this church but nonetheless, it was still pretty neato.

We all are my friend. Every one of us. ;)

You are implying I spend that much time on the internet. I actually don't and I am really just trying to get at the fact that I rely on Gizmodo for really interesting as well as new information rather than reposting stuff from other websites. I'd hate to see them turn into another Ebaumsworld.


Sometimes I wonder why I come to this website and find rants like this. Is this not an automotive forum? Keep this shit at some other hipster blog site please.

I think you meant to say, "Gran Turismo 6 Will Be Out This Year And Its The Same In Comparison To 5 As 5 Was To 4 And So On..."

Its always funny when I see some thing on gizmodo that I have seen like 4000000009284.6 times on the internet elsewhere and its always posted like its the new sliced bread.

These are NOT chat cliches. These are stupid twitter cliches. In addition, I would like to point out how stupid Twitter is in itself. Also, I have actually only heard of 3 of these. If I wasn't too lazy how to figure out how to blam this post, I would. But I am way too lazy.

Being an industrial design student, I really really really hate how stupid this design is. He couldnt figure out how to make it a little more sexy? Really?

Freedom. Its shit like this that one day because one guy with all the money decided so, that we will all have to use them, effectively eliminating the freedom that people have over their bodies. Its like alcohol, if a person drinks too much, thats their choice. Im an industrial design student and rather than be

Why is everyone bitching about the hood? ITS A CONCEPT. As an Industrial Design student I can tell you they will change that for sure before it were to come out.