
Wasn't Ghosts one of Microsoft's bragging points? Remember, with the E3 conference?

I'm almost finished with Peace Walker, and I haven't even played 4, or MGS1. Looks like we're in the same boat.

I want to see them make an appearance on Family Guy someday.

Florida must have been on a ski trip somewhere up there.

I want the Martini one. The controller is, after all, Integrale to the gaming experience.

Yet still so expensive.

I didn't like the story. Personally, I though it was pretty crappy.

Try the Alaska Highway seven times.
That being said, I never actually DROVE it, but fourteen hours a day in a car for a week straight isn't fun for the driver or the passenger.

You probably need to pay a fee for native 1080P.

They are such a good band.

I use QuikSlvr223.
Quicksilver is another name for mercury. Mercury is a poison liquid metal. If that doesn't sound awesome, I don't know what does. I also took out some vowels because I'm lazy. 223 is a number that entered my mind for no real reason.

I support this.

If anything, I have a negative backlog. I want the next-gen consoles ASAP.

I think it's perfect. I don't like the song, but the ad does just what it needs to do: show the BRZ is a hot car (in more ways than one, apparently), and attract the target demographic of young people looking for a nice car for not much money.


Venom Blue.

If it's a Silvia, I hope they make it in Lightning Yellow (the only color S15s should legally be allowed to use).

Ah, Deutchland, how I love you.