
I can see how just a pregnancy test would be offensive but the commenter suggested a "Vagina Owner's Emergency Kit" with a variety of questionable-on-their-own items. A pregnancy test definitely falls in the emergency category, right? Also they're like $20 so I wouldn't mind a free one. Even girls in monogamous

I burned enough calories breaking up a fight between students to earn these beers :c

Did anyone else read the Simpson family blurb and initially think Anna was referring to the animated The Simpsons? Gosh Anna, there's no JOE Simpson!

IKR. I thought I was all cried out but, nope, I had to set my polenta down and sob some more.

Oh thank you for posting the video. I didn't just watch it like three times...

Thank you!

I just wanted to say :)) because I feel the exact same way.

We already get evaluated! We're not arguing against that. We're arguing against making students' performance such a large percentage of the evaluation when it's unfair and unreliable. I'd rather have someone sit in and watch me teach then a standardized test say "Half your students aren't at grade level! Oops!"

Erin, formerly Morning Gloria, you have always always always been my favorite writer on Jezebel and this has solidified it.

I think part of the problem was that they had already been negotiating for so long (9 months?) without making any progress. For several months now, we've been working without contracts.

The Chicago Teachers Union is not the only entity that says charter schools are not a good idea. It was always a debate when I was in college. One of the issues CPS teachers have with charter schools is that they get to pick their students. So a charter school on the south side can reject certain problem students—then

I am a first year teacher in CPS and $54 is many thousands of dollars more than my starting salary.

It's been a LONG DAY and I misread that as if it implied "32 and Counting" and I just couldn't, like how do you have 32 babies and how are you not already famous and why, world.

I used to have a subscription to Cosmo when I was about 16-17 and in turn, my brothers used it for bathroom reading. Once, my older brother came up to me, pointed at one of the sex tips (it was a lot like #5) and said "Don't EVER do this. It will hurt. Just don't."

One of my 8th graders had hair like this and I always thought it really looked good on her.

AUGH that was my first thought. Just Seth and Amy "Seriously?!!"-ing over here.

Now playing

This reminds me of the scene in Matilda when Trunchbull makes Bruce eat that entire chocolate cake as punishment and she said it had the cook's "sweat and blood" in it. As a child, I took that literally and thought it must've been a very salty, sour cake. In retrospect, it's kind of funny they didn't include tears.

I agree! Glad I'm not alone.

Good god that was fascinating. How do you visualize that and then pitch it in a meeting?

How appropriate then, that your name is fiddlestix.