
That's wonderful! Thanks for sharing :)

Depends. Does your last name happen to be Diddy?

Just keep her away from the German cameramen, okay?!

Wait why are we mourning Va Va Get My Broom?? :(

We just need to get Mo Rocca to insult this on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me and we'll have all of Ravelry on our side!

Sorry if the high-pitched squeal from my ovaries broke any glasses or windows!

I'm not sure... but I think some of the commenters have two different ideas of what a hangnail is—you're thinking skin, some people are thinking nail.

It's called March Madness because all this talk about sex and chocolate when I have indefinite access to neither is driving me UP THE WALL.

:D hearted! exactly what I was thinking.

There's also the mosquitoes :(

Are these actual musings? Because I found that the diva cup seems to alleviate my cramps. JUST MY TWO CENTS.

Sexting is just all around a poor substitute if we're being honest.

At least he didn't *photobomb* it the way the obstacle course dog did, amirite?

Awww! I haven't seen it either so Box Of Shame can have a population of 2.

Oh my god that one blew my mind. It's wrong in sooo many ways: "You want to appear as unsexy as possible. If you think you have the right to look otherwise, then you are clearly apart of the problem."

This reminds me of a game my mother used to play with us!

MoGlo, I appreciate that you tried to temper the awfulness of this story with such a gorgeous photo. It gave me a little glow that kept me sane through reading. Curious though—what's her story/where did the photo come from?

Perhaps I'm outing my nipples here, but are you saying that most women have nubs when they're not cold the way most men have nubs? My mind is blown.

So does she have normal nipples or is she just cold?
