
oh DUH. I read that on the regular too. I was originally wondering if there were any print mags like Cosmo or Men's Health, so maybe that's why I didn't think of it.

I think it's an effective answer. I like that you also directed me towards an online column!

Are there magazines that give same-sex relationship/sex advice?

It's TAI!!

Bwaa!! ALL DAY I have been reading this as "Yoda Got a Stoner Out of Jail" and I kept not reading it because I'm lukewarm on the whole Star Wars thang.

"Making breakfast together" sounded like a euphemism to me... oh dear...

Very cute, but not cute enough to lure me from my addiction to baby sloths in onesies :(

Oh that was so good and then it got so great.


I know this is a fluke, but it's MIRACULOUS: when I was a freshman, I bought a pair of black skinny jeans at Wet Seal for $10. Four years of constant use and they're still going strong!

Thank you and god bless. (and thank you for the brilliant thread this inspired)

You're complaining that she's flaunting her boobs but then you say you want to see more of her and hear less of her?

One of my little brothers poked my mom in the eye once and scratched her cornea. He was probably 2 or 3 and it was an accident, but damn if we never let him forget it.

I *knew* Muncie looked familiar—now I know why...

Oh god, we had the same dynamic in my household. I remember my granddad once swatting my little brother's elbows off the table. I was less surprised than I should have been.

When I was in 5th grade we took an etiquette class once a week for a month or so. At the end of the session, there was an afternoon tea party in the gym. I apparently learned nothing because my friend and I got in a fight with our crushes and the four of us were booted from the party.

And that's exactly why I hate skiing.

I took some tylenol pm about an hour ago so when I was watching that I was pretty sure I was tripping.

I know what you mean! The videos remind me of my 8th graders. I guess it doesn't make me want to be 16 so much as it makes me want all kid to be so silly.'s spot on.