
Why can't you name after bridge Chuck Norris?! YES. Beautiful! Keep me young, Chuck Norris jokes.

Oooh, enjoy the hell out of that for me!

Thanks! I think that's reasonable—especially if I ask him to go to improv later this week.

So I've slowly been making friendly with my friend's brother. I'm a little confused about our interactions, but at the very least, he'd make a nice male friend. For the next week, my friend is out of town and I'm hoping the brother and I can hang out, just the two of us. For example, every week all three of us go to


The only similar story I have will hopefully make you laugh—this guy who was dancing with my friends tried to dance with me. I reeaallly didn't want to but was kind of stuck so I did my best to imitate the dancers around me and accidentally bumped into him in such a way that he fell down. Awk.

Sorry I took forever to respond! I got the dress at Salvation Army, but it's by energie. It's not normally something I'd like (red and polka dots? gross) but the cut is so fabulous—one day I'm going to have my mom make another dress in the same style.

YES. I wish I could double promote this.

One time my roommate and I made enchiladas with chickpeas and sauteed kale as the stuffing. It was DELICIOUS. So there ya go.

Just watched it again (again).

The only red anything I own because I kind of hate the color. But I love this dress.

heart you for it!

The tweet in question asked why health insurance should cover birth control if it didn't cover toothpaste, and my logic was the health/dental insurance should cover prescriptions—I pay for regular toothpaste, but when I had a special, prescribed, expensive toothpaste, my dental insurance covered it. Since prescription

Okay I know there are a million reasons why Josh Duggar's comparison of toothpaste and birth control is stupid but FIRST OF ALL SIR, when I had prescription toothpaste and mouthwash, they were covered by my insurance. Just like my prescription birth control should be covered. Condoms and regular toothpaste can chill

Was Courtney Stodden the copywriter??

I'm confused—in the linked article, two of the three women ARE wearing turtlenecks. So should I be concerned that my face looks slutty if I smile? Or is it the loose hair?

I don't think that's strange! I've done similar things for various reasons. I figured if you grow up camping and stuff, you're pretty comfortable with odd places. Also like NOTDorothy says, chamberpots and everything.

I'm confused—you live with your boyfriend and that limits the naked??

I read the Dakota Fanning bit as "when she was just a twinkie in Hollywood's eye"—disappointed that's not what it says :(

I read the Dakota Fanning bit as "when she was just a twinkie in Hollywood's eye"—disappointed that's not what it says :(