
I feel like there's too many to pick a worst.

Now playing

I love this song—it's so jaunty. But I didn't know I was supposed to take it literally! D:

I actually managed to order cookies this year (you think they'd target college campuses, honestly) but the source was so random, I can't remember who the hell it was, let alone what I ordered.

Ah be careful what you wish for! One of my best friends, Tony LaRusso, is a red-haired full-blooded Italian.

If you insist on standing next to me while I sit, you need to put some blade covers on your ice skates cos they're in my face and this is a particularly jerky train ride.

I think the only way to make them disappear is for the train to stop at Addison during baseball season. Once, the train was so crowded, a woman's hair got caught in the doors as they opened.

Apologies for an off-topic question here, but I'm so in that Lester? Is this a Red Dwarf gif?

We had a lawyer from the Illinois Educators Association talk to us about our legal rights as teachers tonight at my university. As she was explaining FMLA, one of the things that struck me as depressing was that the lawyer was so excited about how you get 60 days unpaid, and you can take up to 30 days sick leave! You

A similar bill came up in Utah last year and Dan Savage made this very same point. If you're going to criminalize miscarriage, you're going to have to suspect women all women of childbearing age. He frames it very eloquently:

You know, I love Kid Cudi, but it wasn't until the music started playing that I realized this wasn't a parody of Chris Gardner's "The Pursuit of Happyness." I was like song? Lyrics? How did they parody that from of a book? Maybe they used the film??

I was tickled by that one too. This weekend was my first in Milwaukee and I was amazed over and over again by how polite and gracious everyone was. When that commercial came on, my friend's mom said that's how I acted at the Pick 'n' Save when people kept being kind and saying "excuse me" (even when they weren't in my

@tomsomething: Once, when I was taking too long in the bathroom wondering if I had started my period or bled from sex, my boyfriend asked me if I had eaten beets recently, because that happens to him all the time. He likes beets too, apparently.

@intangiblemango: Thank you for the visual representation. I was sort of being silly—I didn't think it was photoshop, but I was curious how they got the photo since my hands don't work that way.

@Valkyrie607 of the lady-ghetto: Thank you all for explaining :) I'm especially glad to know it's genetic and not tendons; I feel less pathetic.

@PurpleWatch: While I agree with Anna's sentiment—it's not a balanced panel if 3 of the 4 panelists are representing abstinence (and technically Planned Parenthood is a proponent of abstinence too)—I think you raise an excellent point that I have not previously considered. Thanks for pointing that out. I think it's

@StuckOnRepeat: Sorry! I'm sleepy. and had just read the above comment about Goslings and Reynolds. I meant Gosling.

@StuckOnRepeat: I don't think she meant it wasn't cool, she just said that's what the media is blowing up, yet in her experience as a teacher, more of her students are talking about Ryan Reynolds.

I call shenanigans and ask, where is the photoshop of horrors hashtag? Because no way do ring fingers stick up that straight in real life.

@savethemax: I'm from St. Louis and live in Chicago but I would feel better, if not safe, stumbling home drunk in StL because of where I live. Certain areas like the Central West End, the Loop, Lafayette Square, Grand vel sim. are busier at night (eyes on the street) and better policed. But that's any city, right?

@Sabriel: I was so busy looking at the pictures that I completely missed the Chicago part. I saw your comment and was like "A day trip to Chicago? But I already live here! Zomg that means I can visit them!"