
This chart is bullshit. Those "running shoes" were fashion high tops!

John Mayer's mustached resemblance to Johnny Depp is a little too close for comfort...

My dear friend dressed up as Sid Vicious for Halloween and got so drunk he passed out in an elevator. I went over to his apartment to take care of him, and as I was tucking him into bed, he said in a moment of clarity, "My Sid Vicious costume was so good, I overdosed."

1. Read 52 books in one year.

Dear Heidi,

I never looked at it that way before! Does this mean I can use an anchor as the mascot for my sibling basketball team?

I used to wish my toes were shorter because it's hard finding cute or designer shoes in size 11 or 12 and it's kind of discouraging when your feet are bigger than your boyfriends, but then I learned to love them through running. Also, I can wear 4 inch heels with ease. Yay!

And all along I thought I loved gray stormy days and dark rooms because green eyes are sensitive to light. Nope. It's because I was born on Elijah Wood's birthday.

I'm 21 now, but I was 14 then, a freshman in high school. Up until then, I'd had waist-length hair, but to kick off the transition to high school, I'd had it cut off, a la Emma Watson. I liked it, at first.

On NPR's Wait, Wait...Don't Tell Me this past Saturday, Peter Sagal said the weirdest question the Butterball Turkey hotline's gotten was "Can you serve the turkey over cat litter?"

I am a woman, therefore I am a target to be hammered doggedly at? Good to know.

@BelleBreezing: I'm not sure his definition of "no" is the same as yours...

I'm having a hard time putting this eloquently, but here goes:

In my class, there are about 3 males in a group of 70 elementary ed majors, none in early ed or special ed, and about 50/50 in secondary ed. We need more guys!

A similar incident happened in Chicago last year! A group of Wash U students had arranged an outing at a bar on their senior trip, but several black students weren't allowed in because they supposedly violated the dress code even though they had already paid. The club referenced "safety reasons" when explaining their

@BirdFrog: I mistook him for a brooding John Stamos :/

At least the ribbon is still blue!

@fritillaria: WINDEX WORKED. Thankyouthankyouthankyou a million times over.

I want to take my ring off but it's stuck! :( Any tips besides lotion and/or waiting until my fingers are really cold?

Clay Aiken, surfing the nets, having conversations with my mom.