
During the computer game version of The Walking Dead someone says something like, (paraphrasing) "You're not young, or old, or smart, or strong. You're just alive." And that's how I feel about the story. It's fun to ponder the various character personalities. Daryl is the brooding badass. Eugene is the clumsy brain.

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This is the best thing since sliced bread.

Umm...I think by definition 11-5 is much better than 0-6.

Oh yeah? Inform them that it's against the law to post the 10 Commandments on a publicly funded building and watch those Baptists absolutely go ape shit

To call these events riots is absurd. I went to WVU, & I can assure you that they were no different from any other drunken college celebration except for a single couch burning in the street. Stupid, mildly dangerous, & bad for WVU's image? Certainly. Resembling an actual riot in any way? Absolutely not

"In the land of the Eagle, thine McRib will be in short supply" - Nostradamus

That is a completely stupid hypothesis. I mean, bone crunchingly dumb. Somebody would have to steal MH370 - totally without a trace - fly it to Amsterdam, put it in service - all of thi undetected by anyone - somehow make the plane that is actually to be used for MH17 completely disappear (remember, that plane

Anyone notice the classic, "Oh, I gotta re-tie my shoelaces." move? This isn't Drake's first airball.

Ha! Dude with the hand full of cables has some serious Ninja like moves! Check that dude out!

Jets Fans: If we're still rearranging letters, can we make our quarterback be Gone?

Obviously, the error was made in Jets.

More like No Balance, amirite?

Strange user name for Troy Aikman's mom to use.


Woo! Gonna get some cold cuts today!

That commercial is hilarious! I had been hoping someone would do that in an actual game at some point.

I think that's a good way to put it. I'm pretty positive about the whole experience, but it's frustrating as HELL to be a level 25 whose only option is to grind patrols and vanguard strikes because I can't get people on my friendslist to play the non-matchmaking portions of the game. I know there are sites that make

I would also love to see less requirements for Crucible. I do not play competitive multi-player games, so it is irksome that the only way to max out the Queen's reputation is to play Crucible matches, and the several exotic bounties requires actually being good in Crucible.