
Stanford female activists

If the assailant had been poor and/or black or Mexican (as long as the victim was a pretty white woman) I think it would have been very clear-cut to this asshat.

So... This guy was caught red handed by another man and the victim was so unconscious that she didn’t wake for three fucking hours.

Remember, sports is the apotheosis of a young man’s life, the pinnacle of his achievements after which all remainder of his sad, sad life will be but an utter disappointment, as man is no longer permitted to use his youthful and supple physique to plunge repeatedly into the water and, floating effortlessly, surprise


I just feel like at this point that anyone who supports Trump has shown themselves to be a pretty shitty person.

Margaret Atwood was a fucking prophet.

because knocking people unconscious for no reason is dangerous

I can’t even handle the nerve of their “Help a Sister Out” signs. Like, at worst, this has absolutely no effect on you, but will fuck over tons of other women. Fuck right off, ladies.

“I always thought I’d grow up to be Superman, how’d I get cheated into being a Normal?!”

And the worst part about having to use that excuse is that the guy is only going to stop flirting/hitting on you out of respect to your imagined beau and not out of respect to your wishes to be left the fuck alone...

My guy friends think I’m an asshole for always pretending to be in a relationship when I get hit on. To be honest, whether it is ethically right or wrong to lie to someone in that situation does not matter to me. I just do what I think is the most likely to get the guy to stop hitting on me, and the least likely to

Obviously this isn't getting through but I'll say it. If a woman rejects you, you don't get to stab her, throw acid in her face, stalk her, terrorize her, or rape her. No is a hard word to understand, apparently.

It’s not about ending abortion, never has been. It’s about punishing the impure for the rest of their (and the unwanted fetus/child’s) life. If they wanted to end abortion, than they’d support universal mandatory sex ed and have condoms/bc available to anyone able to ovulate/ejaculate. Abortion would virtually

Funny that white men can find some common ground with other white men who just happened to be attracted to white men, but women still aren’t people.

Anyone else find it unsettling that as we make great strides in LGBT issues, we are being jettisoned back to the dark ages when it comes to Women’s Reproductive Rights?

The best funding for an abortion free society would be great sex-ed and free birth control.

As someone who teaches at a Uni I cannot express how terrifying this idea really is, and how wrong headed it seems from a staff POV.

Less than one death in 100,000 women from abortion. Meanwhile, the maternal death rate in America is 18.5/100,000.

What angers me about TRAP laws is that they specifically target the young, the poor and the vulnerable. Even if Conservatives and religious fanatics managed to ban abortion outright, they would still be able to obtain them for their wives, daughters and girlfriends if necessary. In the bad old days when abortion was