Well, why not check out a few books about criminal law and educate yourself.
Well, why not check out a few books about criminal law and educate yourself.
What I don't think you understand is that the law doesn't care about your million and one scenarios. What if, what if, so what? He left defenseless children alone in the car, with the intent to leave them for as long as it took for him to complete an activity that absolutely does not justify leaving twin babies alone…
Yes, I do think he should be prosecuted. That's the point of the law, after all. To teach people how to act better in our society so that we all benefit. As for the felony charge, it's textbook to charge a defendant with the worst so that you can deal down to a more appropriate lower charge. If you start low, you…
The better way to characterize it is that she cut a deal with the prosecutors. The charges weren't just "dropped," they were dropped conditionally due to the defendant accepting responsibility for her actions.
I actually believe he will get in trouble for child endangerment. Not as a felony though, because I don't think the DA can show that he had the intent to injure his children. He did have the intent to leave them alone in a car, in a public place, maybe not the best neighborhood (I don't know, but as an attorney I…
No one really knows what is happening inside of a marriage. However, as a divorce attorney, I'll speculate based on a little bit of hard-earned experience: I think Beyonce and Jay-Z did love each other at the beginning. Truly, madly and deeply. Then, like more than 50% of the population, they fell out of love. No…
AMEN!!!!!!! Fuck that loser. He could get a gun, but can't buy himself a nice phone?
Frankly, I kind of don't blame her. I'm too much of a pussy to actually stand up to someone with a gun, but I am so sick of this culture of take what you want, when you want, by means of violence. Was the phone worth her life? No. But the idea behind it frankly, kind of is. She worked for that phone, it was more than…
And let's also add that carrying your child for 9 months is a titanic achievement in and of itself. I had a full spinal block and a c-section. They had my ass up and walking ASAP. I wish women would just accept the choices of other women and not judge.
Thank you. A good old history lesson in this area never hurts. You are completely correct. Tons of women died trying to have a "natural" child birth. But then, the men didn't care because they'd just get another 16-year-old wife to try, try again.
Meh. Try not to listen to them. No matter which way you do it, drugs or no drugs, you'll be totally fine. The miracle is the arrival of the healthy child, full stop. I had a spinal block for a c-section and it wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. I even had three large nurses pushing on my chest to squeeze my…
Yes, yes, and YES. Natural birth was a leading cause of maternal death for centuries. It is no one's damn business and no one needs to judge. Just because you eschew drugs doesn't mean you are a better mother. Shit. The miracle is that you grew the baby inside your body for 9 months. So I wish these natural birth…
Give me a break. Of course your kids breastfed for a year, you did baby-led weaning too, didn't you? Good for you! I hope your kids turn out to be amazing little human beings. Guess what? I won't judge you because your methods are different from mine! I will refrain from saying anything humble braggy in response. So…
"...because pregnancy and parenting is nothing if not a comically absurd proof of your vulnerability, fallibility, and sheer mediocre, blustering humanness..."
I think it takes a lot of guts to do what she did, especially after building such a following. The hell with the people who sent her death threats! Although losing my period wouldn't be something I would mourn.
Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification. And I am touchy about that kind of thing since I was 38 when I had my first one. All of that "advanced maternal age" kind of got to me. Sorry if I overreacted.
That's a good point. They could build something into those little expensive car seats you have to buy. Shouldn't be that hard. Of course, remembering your kid is in the car with you shouldn't be that hard either. But, people can be stupid.
I don't know. I am a professor now at a law school. The kids coming through here right now in their 20s are pretty damn bratty. They say things to me that I would never have dreamed of saying to a professor. Ever. I kind of do think kids are getting more bratty because parents aren't really putting the work in. I have…
Unfortunately, what you say does have a grain of truth. I just had my first kid and I am working very hard to make sure she doesn't grow up to be rude and entitled. I shudder to think how much harder my job is going to get when she starts going to elementary school. I love her, I respect her ability to make certain…
Well said!!!! I love this post!!