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    Northern English accent. (The actor is Scottish AFAIK but doesn't use his own accent in the series).

    Smooth tarmac is just where the snakes like to sun themselves. Take a snake-proof box.

    If you haven't submitted this to TRexTries, you must!

    So the earlier definition is what Cyriaque used.

    I wonder if you were genetically tested for blood type, what it'd show - has it ever been offered?


    Been calling for one for literally years, no dice.

    'diddling' means cheating someone out of something - I read it as a reference to Tyrion and Cersei.

    Seconded. It has just the right odour of 17th-century defunct European kingdom to it.

    Oddly, I prefer Carolaus.

    I think they really messed up on the casting for that show. Neither Cassie or Adam are particularly interesting.

    Yeah we haven't seen Bonnie and her mother conscious after Esther gave them what-for, have we? Why doesn't Bonnie get a pretty dress?

    My question is: how do these parents have their adult child's resumé in the first place? Especially if the parents have already done shit like this?

    What happens when you throw a rock at it?

    I've never had bannock. It is approximately damper, though.

    Easier recipe:

    Stanley Tucci and Lenny Kravitz especially, for some reason. But I think I'll need convincing about the casting for Peeta and Gale.

    Correcting self: 'ethinyl estradiol'.