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    Yes, exactly. Norgestrel and ethinyl estradiol are synthetic hormones, not brand names of pills.

    No, it's fine. Higher-risk long-term (as in, decades) but not on this time scale.

    ok, the copy above is misleading. Lo-Ovral 28 is the brand name, and norgestrel and ethyl estradiol (note lowercase!) are not brand names - they are the hormones in both the brand name pill and the generic version made by Pfizer, and in other brand-name and generic pills.

    Yep. Regular giving (for any charity) is really really important for their budgeting and funding allocations for years to come. One-off giving is great, but unpredictable.

    YES! Best Tumblr ever. I laughed til I cried the first time I saw it:

    I have it on good authority that he's actually a total sweetheart (friend of a friend etc.). He'd have to be, I suppose...

    amazing. *yoink*

    Some savvy executive is probably waiting for a gap in the Hunger Games/Hobbit coverage. #hopeful

    Hah. Ok, I won't get my hopes up...!

    Peter Jackson is doing the Mortal Engines series??

    I wish I could super-promote this.

    amazing. Just... amazing.

    I'm sure scientists are betting it would, it probably just hasn't been studied at all/enough yet

    In other countries it's not routine - smear testing, yes, every few years, but none of my doctors have ever done a bimanual exam on me or mentioned that I needed one. It may not be evidence-based.

    If they haven't done the last thing at least once they've wasted every opportunity they've ever been given.

    I was just about to post that... entirely on point.

    "the decision was hers to make. And that's what makes her story amazing and inspiring...it simply wouldn't be if it wasn't her choice to make."

    Research in the UK has pointed to this as well, and the sentiment that comes up is "Well we had unprotected sex a few times and I didn't get pregnant, so I thought I was infertile".

    All right, who wants to parade around in Sybil's harem pants?

    The third was the best, I thought, because it wasn't at all far removed from contemporary life: the same furniture, clothes, everything, except this one conceit. It's very compellingly done. The second episode, while interesting and with very watchable characters, was too far removed to be emotional.