ok i watched it, and i must say that i am impressed with the features added, BUT... if that update takes another year to deploy we are right back at square 1. I`ll revise the list though:
ok i watched it, and i must say that i am impressed with the features added, BUT... if that update takes another year to deploy we are right back at square 1. I`ll revise the list though:
@William Juarez: aahahah same here!
they seam to miss the most basic functions:
@A7: had the same thought :p
@Brickmodder: ahahah +1
@Digo: good point... only for US, fuck that too. Appstore FAIL. I rather get the apps from somewhere else!
Another way to make money (not a fortune) is Navizon. They are developing a software that triangulates your position using WiFi APs and Cell Tower information. In order to buildup that database they pay me and you 15$ for every 10 000 Points you make. I`m up to 40k points which is almost a full tank of gas for me :)
@TheFu: exactly!
I started reading lifehacker and gizmodo again after finding out CA has not changed... Change that, and you will not only loose me but others too.
@dukes_up: +1
@JavaNut13: get's you 250mb, and i already have an account D:
YES YES YES... i`m off to uk gizmodo... since i HATE this design to hell..i visited the site 2 times in the last 2 weeks cuz of this.
@universalcode: nahhh... this is not fake!!!
@Stevox: hmm did no one think of this? i mean invest 5000 into the furnace and then start to profit... hmmm
@red pear: i feel the same way. Ballmer is sinking it into the ground
I would have been impressed if it didnt go with a giant battery on my back and it would recharge from pedaling or braking!
@medopal, medohack: every Google employee got a free nexus to keep even after he leaves the company?
@alienshards: They can start developing an inhouse OS based on linux also, but in the meantime they should go Android to recover. They have potential, and the phone in the pic looks futuristic!
My addition :p