

The 70's brought a lot of memories for me as I was in my 20s then. Many a day/night spent at Comiskey Park drinking and watching the Sox. Here are a few:

You scoop it from the rear with a spoon? Yeah, that's not happening. Unless the spoon has a ten-foot handle and I get to wear a hazmat suit.

Kinda surprised the Cubs didn't hire him away sooner...

Take a lesson here, kids. He died at the young age of 83, so all those years of drinking really put him in an early grave.

White Sox games in the 1970's were complete insanity. You know how the old 10 Cent Beer Night story gets bounced around and people react like "Holy shit! That's nuts!"? That was 81 days a year on at Old Comiskey on the South Side (minus the riot spilling onto the field, though that did happen notoriously more than a

The worst would be the realization that what you see is just the cast off skin. The spider is probably still in the car.

There needs to be a special place in hell for assholes who do this. Excuse me, I have to go hug my dog-in-kitty-form right now.

Do not advertise your pets on CL. Many animals picked on CL end up being used as bait animals for fighting dogs. Make sure you analyze the prospective owners before you hand over the leash.

Me too, so I tried to focus on the tiny guy in the background at 1:14 who appeared out of nowhere, wearing the same striped shirt. I'm imagining that being his soul walking the fuck away while saying "I'm outta here...see ya, asshole" and it makes me less sad.

Sohn has been cited for animal cruelty and negled and is scheduled to appear in court on July 2, according to Denver Animal Control.

Sigh... with tears in my eyes I say that I wish I could live long enough to see all this. Hell, one lifetime isn't nearly enough for me to learn everything I want to learn.

Still, dude's going to catch so much shit.

The difference between a Cubs and White Sox fan is a Sox fan actually knows when it's appropriate to reach for an object flying in from the playing field.


This looks beautifully awesome and would be even better if it somehow got on the Wii U as well so others can try it too

There are different categories of familial homicide. This study talks about familial annihilators, which are almost always men who kill their wives, their children, and themselves. Intimate partner homicide and intimate partner homicide/suicide are a related but different category.

No, they're not all male. Only 83%. So it's merely AN OVERWHELMINGLY LARGE MAJORITY. So there. Or something.

Traditional gender norms produce violence!? It's almost as if the patriarchy is a toxic construct!