
How did Interstellar not make your best list?

I remember trying to watch the premiere of Season 4: had to wait about an hour and a half after it finished airing for the servers to cooperate and even then it was potato quality.

Need a banana for scale.

I don't want a Game of Thrones movie to end the series, I want a prequel movie about Robert's Rebellion.

Is it too much to ask for 4.7 inch phones anymore? I don't want to carry around a damn tablet in my pocket.

I keep trying new lock screen apps, but if I put my phone on standby, wait a few seconds, and then bring it out of standby it displays my home screen for about 3-5 seconds, then the lock screen pops up. Is anyone else having this issue / is there something I can do to make it show up immediately? If I wait a long

I personally feel that it's too long and reveals too many plot points to those who haven't seen it before. If you don't mind that, it's beautiful.

Birdemic: Shock and Terror, easily the worst movie I've ever seen. It's basically like Hitchcock's The Birds except filmed by some college students who just took their first film class.

My father refuses to shoot me a text after a missed call and instead leaves me a voicemail that is literally "Hey, call me. Bye."

I use NFC around my house all the time. You don't have to rely on other companies to make use of it.

Oculus should buy Leap Motion. It has a bunch of crappy apps right now, but I think that's just due to lack of developer base. I have one, and the SDK 2.0 is really powerful. I think if paired with Oculus, it could be a really good controller.

Am I remembering wrong, or did they say DK2 would be the last dev kit before the final release?

So they explained the lack of Halo on PC, but they didn't explain the reason why they are ignoring their pledge to better support.

While I do most everything on mouse/keyboard, every once in a while I use a controller for indie games. The 360/One controller has pretty much everything I want.

I lost it at them being concerned about "unique public health risks".

How are you getting anyone to talk to you when you're out of warranty? The only two Apple products I've ever had failed a few weeks out of warranty, and no one in the store would give me the time of day.

If you guys could stop embedding clips that start halfway through, that would be pretty nice...

$15 is full price? What is $60 then?

Every day of my life, but in the Midwest you take what you can get, I guess.

Verizon never gets the stock phones. They're almost always GSM only.