
This is awesome. I love their reactions. The first computer I ever saw was an Apple in math class in Junior High School. I pretty much had the same reaction. The teacher knew nothing about them other than how to start Oregon Trail which could be played if you were good and finished your classwork. I spent my time

It's been a long time since I broke out the red/blue glasses. These are cool!

I am so weary, as I'm sure you all are, of baby boomers thinking games are for children. That's all this boils down to. Today's politicians are just old enough to not have grown up with an NES. It would be absolutely shocking to them to find out that there are millions of middle aged gamers. This is something we

I think we should consider the culture in which he is raised. Communist governments routinely restrict access to enjoyable things because they are "bad" for you. He seems like an emotional type person who genuinely thinks the tweets he gets are from people playing his game like a meth head in an abandoned house or

I have to play a lot of games in bootcamp because they are either never ported or they are ported and the port is wretched. You know how PC people get mad when they get a crappy console port? Yeah, the Mac port is a bad port of the PC port. Even Valve games that run on a Mac run at about 60% of the frame rate the

Macbook Pro with Retina boot camper playing FTL checking in. Can confirm. Am lowly.

LOL, Chip Biscuit. It's been a while since I made that comment but I'm 90% certain it was a joke. I have a 3DS... one of the original ones but I didn't buy the Wii U. I have not kept up with the sales of the Wii U. I don't know how it is doing. I don't really know anyone who has it. I'm sure it's a cool machine.

I can't fathom the legal precedent that would have to be set in order to limit a person of legal age from buying media content based upon their propensity to commit a crime upon consuming it. That smacks of Minority Report becoming reality. If you are of legal age in a free society, you can buy and consume whatever

I am a little skeptical that we cannot understand why a designer of interior coverings might have a problem with someone copying their designs and selling them on the internet. Isn't this exactly what copyright law is for? Isn't the carpet company using their copyright to protect themselves from exactly the thing

I understand as a parent that everyone has to decide what is appropriate for their kids. Some kids can play CoD and Halo at 10 years old and some can't. Kids mature at different rates. Dads can and should know when their kids are able to discern fantasy from reality. I can totally overlook a kid playing Halo, Call

I have lived in Texas my whole life. I smoked a brisket for 12 hours on my pit this weekend. We made BBQ sandwiches with it on Sunday. That thing you ate is not a smoked brisket sandwich. I don't know what that is, but it ain't BBQ. A brisket is dry rubbed with a good spicy seasoning mix and slow smoked with an

Why don't you just install bootcamp? My MacBook runs Windows better than most of the Windows laptops I've owned. Even the games I have on Steam that do have Mac ports run very poorly compared to the Windows version on the same computer. I just resign myself to rebooting into Windows to enjoy my games. There are a

That is true but I don't think kids will be asking for one of these. They don't have unlimited money to spend on games so they buy a lot of used ones. They are also the probably the most active game borrowers and lenders that there are which will be prohibited. Worse yet, the ones that do still try to trade with each

I don't have a lot of intelligent things to add to this discussion. I just checked out your cosplay and it is awesome. You seem to truly enjoy the art of crafting these costumes. They don't appear "sexualized" to me in any way. There are cosplayers who revel in barely there costumes but you are definitely not one

I think rushed would be an unfair judgement on this game. I guess I fell in love with the grand sweep of the story and was hoping for it to go a different way in the end. Perhaps it's just a matter of taste. As an older gamer, I really only make time for games like this that have a grand adventure inside. This one

OK... not to burst any bubbles here because I LOVED the game. However, here's how this thing goes down in my opinion. They wanted a nice environment for the game to take place but nothing massive and sandbox. If you can control the size of the "level" then you have a lot more freedom in what you can do graphically

Coaxial network connection, I think. 10Mb half duplex circa 1980.

I looked at that long and hard too. I blew up the picture to see it. I think I decided that it is a coaxial ethernet connection. It's what we refer to at our plant as thin-net. Very antiquated stuff. Capable of 10Mb half duplex traffic on a really good day. You see a lot of that used in older control systems for

All I want to know is the release date of my FF VII HD remake. I would like to have it before money is spent porting FF IV to digital watches.

I can't figure out what life skill or lesson she was teaching her daughter. I can completely understand having your child rake leaves, shovel snow, or mow lawns to earn part of the tuition for camp. Letting your child ask for money from strangers on the internet teaches them what?