
That is so strange! I was certainly complaining loudly the first couple of days about the ridiculous performance of Blizzard on the servers. I was madder than a wet hen. However, since they straightened that out on the second day I have had zero problems playing as many hours has my mouse hand can manage. I just

This is GREAT NEWS! I was just saying to everyone in the office that there is a dearth of first person shooters and we need another one! I mean, when was the last time anybody put an FPS on the shelf at the game store?

I've been on a low carb diet for a while which is working very well. One of the things I can have is as much celery as I can stand and two tablespoons of natural peanut butter per day. I can tell you that this combination is quite desirable bordering on delicious if you are hungry enough. If you starve yourself of

The empirical data and strength of my argument is exactly identical to the strength of all the white dudes being "Saddy McButthurt".

That's cool. I've been wanting to load it on the Mac Book Air I bought for my daughter. She loves that thing and uses it constantly at college. We played Portal 2 together and it ran that flawlessly. I was wondering if it would run Diablo III since she is home for the summer from school. She guards that computer

That's right because if you write and article about how overly coddled a minority group is, no one would be Saddy McButthurt about that. There would be crickets chirping in the comment section.

I'm not really vested in this debate but what I'm reading here is the following: "I am a smug and self righteous writer. I scoff at any counter argument to my opinion. You are all incorrect. As a matter of fact, I find your collective intelligence to be so low that you aren't even smart enough to realize how right

I can't stop playing Diablo 3. I think there must be some crack cocaine in it. I mean I wanna stop. I keep saying just one more quest and I'll go to bed. The next thing I know it's 3:30 in the morning. It's not like it's perfect or anything but I just can't stop playing.

I'm seeing a lot of lag on an excellent internet connection. Like running over gold, but it isn't actually picked up and making the "jingle" sound for a second or two after I run over it. Definitely some lag. Also, my character will skip back thirty yards and have to run over the same ground again like Neo and the

Technically speaking, I think this game would play just fine on a console. The thing that I think will keep it off of consoles is the RMAH. Microsoft and Sony aren't set up for that kind of thing and even if they were willing to attempt to integrate that into their online services they would want an unacceptable

Well I'm enjoying the game very much so far. I can't decide if I like the "streamlined" skills progression better or not. It didn't ruin the game for me but it does feel a little bit like there's something missing. This game feels extremely gear focused which is not a bad thing. I most definitely won't be buying

This is perfect. In the sequel there should be a condescending, smug, annoying nerd telling the fellow who just got kicked in the balls that he is being impatient and childish because Blizzard always kicks everyone in the balls for the first few days/weeks/month. Then it would be completely accurate.

That's funny. I just replayed Diablo two weeks ago. I found a cool bow several hours in and used it all the way through to the end. I never found a better one through the whole game.

It's articles like this that make me realize that you don't always have the greatest job in the world. For every blockbuster ten out of ten that you get paid to play, there are a hundred of these wretched abominations that you have to slog through for science.

Errors happen I suppose. I could even forgive an outage or two. This however is just outrageous. Add to it the fact that Blizzard tied the single player to the server and it gets very frustrating very quickly. The most irritating thing right now is the Blizzard apologists condescendingly dismissing anyone who is

I think you are right on the money here. FF VII tried very hard to be 3D without the technology to make that happen. I love the game. Don't get me wrong. However, I played it a number of years after it came out. I had difficulty figuring out which way to move the pad to go the direction I wanted to go when on top

I have passed through the darkness of mild gamer rage into the calm waters of incredulity. I'm beginning to suspect that Blizzard is trying to screw this up. The developers seem to kick ass and take names. The operations side seems to be run by monkeys.

As crazy as this sounds, the game is actually so good that it's worth putting up with this malarky. I can't believe I just typed that, but it's true. I had a few minutes to play and just finished two more quests. Then I got booted. The story is great. I can't stop playing because I want to know what happens next.

I second this sentiment. I don't think I'll be participating in many products that require online for single player but I'm willing to make an exception for this one. It's Diablo so just shut up and take my money.

Great article, Kirk. Very well put! I feel exactly the same way. It is an omen of things to come and so far it doesn't look very promising. I feel that there is a fantastic single player game here but I am disappointed that it is being delivered in this way.