
Absolutely right. I was trying to redirect my son toward an actually good game but a little one's idea of fun is its own entity. If your dealing with a person who can entertain themselves for hours with a plastic truck, the wise man buys the sponge bob game.

It was a great place to take your birthday boy or girl to have the crap scared out of them and be bossed around by a pimply faced teenager who was drunk with power.

I learned the hard way that when kids are this age you buy the games they want. They will want really crappy games. You have to ignore your inner game critic. It doesn't matter if the game sucks. They will play it until the console is worn out. If you ignore their pleas for Sponge Bob Square Pants or whatever and

I've been married for twenty years. I was right once when we were having an argument. It was horrible. I've never been right again and I consider it to be the wisest decision I've ever made. Being married is a wonderful thing. That is not to say that it's wonderful all the time, but on the whole it is a wonderful

It's a shame they can't send him over here to Texas for trial and sentencing. We have a special express lane for this kind of dirt bag.

Without getting into all of the class war bullshit, I would like to say that it is very sad that the "Heritage Foundation" tries to suggest that a 10 year old boy having a couple video games means his family is automatically not poor. It makes me feel like crap to know that I have so much and they have so little. I

She is a very beautiful woman but having to talk about games all the time would be a deal breaker for me too. It's a good thing I'm old and ugly while she's young and beautiful so we don't have to deal with this problem. Otherwise I would be tempted to stalk her.

I've heard that superpower you get is farting like a mule all the time.

This holier than thou condescending attitude gets on my last nerve. I've been doing detailed technical work my entire career. I see these kinds of people all the time. My least favorite is the snotty help desk dude. I have had to sit these types down in the past and read them the riot act for being disrespectful

You've got some good points there, Brian. I'm sure it will get played. I would also like to apologize for the use of the word "to" in my original comment when I actually meant "too". I am quite ashamed of my typo. The misuse of the words two, too, to, there, and their are some of my pet peeves and I went and did

I don't mean to hate on this thing but I really would like a refund on my 3DS. I won't outline all the reasons because I don't want to come off as a hater but this thing is just about useless for me. Hopefully a bunch of awesome games will come out later and I'll be glad I have it. I think I bought it waaay to

It's a very sad day indeed. Thousands of people have been put out of work because of this and now we no longer have manned space flight. I sincerely hope that these commercial operations get off the ground (pun intended) on schedule.

Me too. I've started it twice. I got a few hours into it and then quit for awhile. I hate trying to pick up a game with a good story right in the middle so I started over just a few days ago. I'm about eight hours into it. It's pretty good. No major complaints from me. It's most definitely not the best FF I've

If Sony fanbois and Microsoft fanbois had to share a console, it would result in a nuclear winter. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! It must not be allowed!

Luscious Lucinda loves Lego Land (800)LEGOLOVE $5.99/minute

Farmville playing, Doritos eating female gamers are married. Married women only have sex on birthdays and anniversaries unless they are wanting another baby or accidentally got too drunk at the restaurant. All the rest of the time they are sick, tired, sick and tired, or you fucked up and they are mad.

Wikipedia has that one as 1994 and Palace of Deceit II as 1991, Doc. I think I finally threw away my plastic keepers full of floppy disks last year. I probably should have kept them.

I remember this guy from waaaay back in the Unreal Tournament days. He posted to the technical support part of the web site all the time to let us know what was being worked on in the patches and whatnot. Back then he was just some dude named Cliff who kept us up to date on our favorite game. Now he's practically a

I vaguely remember the real Atari. I was a toddler and was NOT allowed to touch it. It was for the grownups. It was too expensive to be "played with". Then I got an Atari 2600, graduated to an NES, and so on. I remember being asked if it was necessary that I play with those stupid games since those were for

Yes you missed some very good loot for a low level character. There's a chair overlooking the town with what looks like an old fridge/box/thing. There's ammo and a decent gun there. It's not all the way to the back of the path you went up to get there. I would say it's about 3/4ths of the way up the ridge and then