
I freakin' love Hulu! Sure, it'd be nice if Netflix had more content, but right now to be honest I'm perfectly content watching newest episodes of current TV shows on Hulu, and going back to older ones on Netflix. And to be honest, I really don't mind watching a couple 30 second ads if it means free tv. Hulu's been

WHOA! The sort thing is fantastic!

I tried my ATT number and it didn't say it would terminate my contract. Weird?

@TheMightyTexMex: It's a mobile phone carrier, they provide the service for a lot of phones in the US.

This was guaranteed shot with a less than VGA quality webcam.

@binarypower001: It's not really a waste of development time since the app was actually pretty amazing. Plus, I hope once this stuff gets sorted out it might be back on the app store, and since they already did the work for iOS they might still make an Android version.

@WheresTheSpleenAgain?: I don't know, but when I used to run GeekTool on my MBP with 2 gigs of RAM it ran fine, though I recently did a clean install and noticed that it did cause some RAM usage, maybe about 80 megs or so.

@JimmyChiChi: I tried to sell one of my books back once (which I'd paid 85 bucks for) and they thought it would be cool to give me $4.50 for it.

some money, a Nikon Coolpix S3000, a buncha cd's, and other assorted doodads.

The problem with his situation is really that it's not a simple black and white problem. Arguing that he should have done his stunt on a track is valid, up to the point where you have to take into account that membership at most tracks is incredibly difficult (and expensive) to obtain. Thus, unless he was very wealthy

assuming it uses WiFi to triangulate the computer's location, what happens if the thief simply turns off WiFi?

It also works with DSL and Internet Service Providers. My router broke so my dad yelled at 'em until they knocked the price for a new one ($75) down to 15.

I almost always use my iPod touch. If I had an iPad I'd probably use that but I find my 32 gig iPod Touch a pretty great bedtime tablet, especially for playing Angry Birds.

clearly, it's a practical joke. people turn it over, thinking it's a controller, and it blinds them in the face with its laser.

google books is also a free iphone app

I never get people who try to stream Hulu/Netflix on a plane. Either download it before you get on, or don't stream movies on a plane! The wifi being piped in wasn't designed like your FIOS connection, it's designed for basic internet usage (IM, Facebook, email, etc.)

@iLikeMe: I tried to set my iPhone's clock forward a day, but that didn't make the new level come :(

what's the gameloft game for today?