
What about GOB's Lincoln Town Car Limo?

What's your daily driver right now?

Finally! This is really what they should have done months ago. In an age where hardware is (unfortunately) no longer their best selling point, Blackberry's best move is to move BBM to other platforms in an effort to stay even somewhat relevant.

What about the Nexus 7?

I realize the handbrake probably isn't a great option when you're doing 117 on a highway, especially because you don't want the car to drift, but do these cars even come with a handbrake? Wouldn't it be better than nothing?

Thank god! Now I can justify my ridiculous redbull consumption!

A couple gatorades before you go to sleep, but if you forget they work pretty well in the morning. The combo of electrolytes and hydration seem to do the trick for me.

You're right he certainly could have stopped but I think the central point behind all of this is that copyright law is simply massively outdated, and the RIAA is an untamed monster that needs to be reigned in. For example, the RIAA recently tried to enforce a fine that exceeded the GDP of the entire world...

I'm not saying it should be free, everybody has to make a buck somehow, you're right that's how our economy works. However, it goes without saying that basic SMS service is grossly overpriced, and who knows how much more AT&T and other telcos could make if they lowered their prices on things like SMS service and I

The article makes a good point about roaming rates, which are completely absurd. Have you ever taken a look at AT&T's data roaming? I have yet to understand why anyone would ever pay $120/month for less than a gig of data rather than just unlocking the damn thing and popping in a SIM card.

Similar to when Fox/USA thought it would be a good idea to delay their shows on services like Hulu and even their own network websites...

What's the most heartwarming experience you've ever had as a cab driver?

Hmmm, I haven't received any shipping information. Google also charged my card when I pre-ordered, but the charge has disappeared...anyone know what's going on?

Yeah, we need a copyright law and associated fine structure overhall in this country.

Looks like a bad idea waiting to happen. A lot of my wall outlets are horizontally-oriented, so I feel like I would break either the plug or the case pretty quickly.

Let's hope it's not permanently dead. All my friends are still on AIM for some reason, videochat through AIM also works pretty fantastically so it better not go away yet. Facebook chat is just an abomination.

I don't actually know how this works, but a lot of these are listed by third-party retailers. Do they get to set the price, or Amazon?

What seems to be missing from this comparison is that even though Voice Actions may be faster in some cases, I would make Siri the winner when you don't have to press "Send" for anything just because a lot of these functions were designed to be used when you shouldn't be interacting with a screen (e.g. driving a car).

$50 discount ≠ super cheap.

"Everyone on the planet who has a playbook has been waiting for this for a while... I'm sure lots of servers are busy today."