to be fair, the ipad does semi-multitasking so there should be an in between category there I think, not a straight up no.
to be fair, the ipad does semi-multitasking so there should be an in between category there I think, not a straight up no.
thats a sexy garage
why does every test cost 15 bucks?
kinda just looks like gmail's web interface though
@Platypus Man: i agree I thought they all happened at once too at first
HOLY CRAP that's awesome
@Daniel Perez: The point is to try to avoid Apple's MobileMe
wheres angry birdsss
how do you get gamecenter to match you up with people considering my lack of game center friends?
@Zing: yup there it is thanks!
@Sidetalker: Thanks, I thought it would just show up after the download.
I just updated flight control but it's not showing up in my game center games...
farmvile (blech) and world series of poker are also getting updates
the chick has GOT to be included
@badasscat: A 12o gig hard drive is MUCH cheaper than 64 gigs of flash memory, thats why they charge more
where i come from, fewer holes is never a good sign
the guy was holding the controller wrong, obviously
what the HELL america?
this is where AT&T makes their real money