Pvt. Jackass

Look like Knuckles needs some cocks to mongle.


One made by actual geeks:

There's simply way too much going on in this book to summarize it and do it any justice. Religion. Politics. Commerce. Genetics. Space travel. Ecology. Really ... its just not possible.

Now playing

FiM's a lot more sugary than any of those other shows (especially that opening theme and whenever they do a musical number), but there is also a considerably larger amount of substance to the characters that most other 'girly' shows don't typically have. I happen to believe that a big factor in MLP's popularity was

The remarks caused some controversy around how the girls should be depicted and whether or not they were being sexualized. The artist of the cover, Mimi Yoon, didn't seen so happy with the controversy surrounding the cover—using Facebook, she wrote "one opinionated dog barks (i'm fine with that)… and the rest of the

The remarks caused some controversy around how the girls should be depicted and whether or not they were being sexualized. The artist of the cover, Mimi Yoon, didn't seen so happy with the controversy surrounding the cover—using Facebook, she wrote "one opinionated dog barks (i'm fine with that)… and the rest of the

Yeah as a fan of the original show I was going to say I'm pretty sure we've seen official "grown up" versions of them as stereotypical teens that were about as "sexualised"—wearing midriff-bearing and curve-accentuating tight outfits.

There's a decent slice-of-life, comedy anime in here somewhere.

Uh... huh. The only way computers break down every other year is if you do something like smear red paint over the cooling fans to make it go faster.

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling...

Aw gerty. Turned out you weren't as sinister as we originally thought, buddy.

Call me crazy or optimistic, but this smells like a bug rather than a DRM attempt.