Pvt. Jackass

Of course if you burn it it won't be sweet.
You speak of using it as a spread, can't do that if it's burnt.

Not much of a fan of Sailor Moon in the first place, but the her mouth that seems to open in a vertical oval shape is pretty cringeworthy.

The person in question was the Mountain.
You butt.

That I did.

I liked him enough that it upset me when he died. But what he did to Molehill though... that made me smile.

It was never confirmed though, only hinted at.
You know Georgie, he might just be fucking around.

Also pretty sure he's the (main?) villain as far as Batsy's concerned.

Oh gods I never noticed that.
In all seriousness my family have been using a similar recipe for a while now, good stuff.

And why wouldn't it be sweet?
It's definitely sweet, since the sugar remains in the goop while most of the water evaporates.
Time for Coke jam.

Still plenty of BS within the first minute.
I thought Tyson would make this video worth watching for once, but nope.

But if you don’t want to go through all that, you can just play the waiting game. Every day at 4am, you will get 20 koyon—granting you another two or three minutes of the game.

Vore fan-fiction AHOY

1. Alright then.
2. Still not a good comparison due to region control.
3. It's exclusive to exactly one distribution platform/program. Not sure how you can say otherwise.
4. Do notice the lack of the more recent "blockbusters" from EA being available on Steam.
6. lolk

All games can be bought on Origin, not all on Steam. Remember, we're talking about comparisons to Steam so it has to be available for Steam to even be included in the discussion.

for the sake of fairness (also legality) don't pull up CD key sites that sell keys from Russia.

What other sites? Because I have seen no post with actual comparisons.
Also, for the sake of fairness (also legality) don't pull up CD key sites that sell keys from Russia.

In comparison to everything else?
Origin only recently started catching up due to abandoning their no-sale stance.
They still don't do sales on DLCs which means they still suck in my books.

lol "biggest"