Pvt. Jackass


I was waiting for a pacemaker hack. Oh well.

You can (have to) remote control a couple things before you even touch a damn generator though.

You have to go to an island which is supposedly completely cut off from the power grid.
And you have to get everything running by remotely hacking things.
Yes, apparently in the future everything has wi-fi and can generate electricity from wi-fi signals.

Even while reading their climatic battle, I was able to easily think of two ways to possibly solve their problem without one needing to kill the other—e.g., (1) stopping one of their hearts in a controlled medical setting and then attempting to resuscitate him or her seconds later or (2) the even safer option of

Come on guys.

Thar be Demoknights?


Pretty much my all time favorite.

I... Don't think so.
Jidai -> 時代 = era/age/period
Hard to imagine someone would name a group of warriors after a genre name. Gonna need a real source for that.

Decades of corrosion.

I don't, but the overabundance of nitpicks is forcing it.

Unnecessary nitpicks for the sake of humor?
If it is indeed for the sake of humor they need to cut it down, because there are so damn many of those (in every single video) that they become nothing more than annoyances.

Still pretty far off though, considering chances are most of it would be just armor plating.

Gonna need a link or an image for that.

That's not Batman, that's Arkham Knight. Some guy who thinks he's a better Batman than Batman.

Deadpool is still a super soldier though...

Subbed not dubbed?
I can dig this.