Pvt. Jackass

From the looks of it you probably have no combat ability.

For about $10, it's worth the co-op shenanigans.

Given the general replies on this article...
Because really half of them are going into "Yeh gender doesn't matter hence everything should be okay if we genderbend".

I won't say that it's the most convincing or logical explanation, but if you really want the answers read it. It's explained in the manga.

"In 600 years?"

Eh... A couple people will become more important, and it will... Well, reintroduce an old friend I think?

Funfact: The surgeries they undergo enhances their bodies so that they can survive the harsh environment of a possibly incomplete terraformation. Also they didn't know about the roaches before landing (the first time). Not to mention fire and firearms don't seem to work on the roaches.

A minimum of 3 seconds exposure, no, don't need to pause to see it. I noticed it the first time I played the damn thing.

Goat or no buy.


My family has been doing that for decades though.

Shut up, GIR is adorable as FUCK.

Were the Rugrats ever cute?

Doesn't look like it has anything to do with Chinese zodiac. Probably from the artists (re)interpretation of the zodiacs? Other than that the entire thing is pretty damn nonsensical.

I would personally design a better one but I don't think I can top this.

Check the manga maybe. Is good. Probably a more faithful adaptation anyway.

Eh depends.

Eh it's slightly off.

My favorite part is that how he's so "passionate" (His own words) about the damn thing that he wrote the script for the second movie before this one even released.