Pvt. Jackass

I was looking for the older comic strips that had pantyshots, got lazy when Google wasn't making it easy for me.

I was looking for pantyshots, but got lazy when they weren't showing up on Google searches (yes I even included "pantyshot" in the search terms) and I refuse to spend more than 5 minutes looking through the older comic strips and works.

Square Dog?
Naughty Enix... :D

Unfortunately that's a bad example. Because the PC version of Skyrim already got shittons of HD'er texture mods. :P
I bet half of them will make a PS4 chug.

Y hullo thar


So adorable.

Heard it all.
Hell, all of them were in the same list as well.

I saw a girl with the jacket the other day...

Amends my arse.
If they were to make amends they'd give everybody who already have the original port a free copy.

Oh man this is TOO GOOD.

This is just a saga now, isn't it?

Considering that there's quite a number of adult fans that buy them for collections...

About damn time.
We've had that for a couple years now, maybe a decade.

I remember.

Wait a minute. The Americas is still British colony?

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"?
I thought that's a western saying.