Pvt. Jackass

I just put down applied science, does that count?

Mouse Trap Never Works.
Because they canned the YouTube video as soon as they started monetizing the song.
Sure it's all very well within their rights, but I consider that somewhat of a dick move.

You can totally hear the pop and squealing!

Settings? Doesn't sound too bad honestly.
I mean really, how often do you change the settings for it to be enough to bug you?


They have like, hundreds and thousands of flavors in Japan though.

Yah forgot Trilby's Notes.

Short answer: Same as men, armor.
Long answer: Same armor as men, but may require some adjustments. But then again, such is the same for men.


Nooooooo where'd the sexy elf ladies go!?
Does that mean I will never have immortal children!?

Why though? Not like I missed them.
I hardly noticed that they stopped...

I'm disappointed, I thought it's the dev trolling.

Muse, you say!

It's still ridiculously long if you compare it to a nodachi, which is like, the longest Japanese swords get.

The sheath, mostly.


Whoops. This one's better.