Pvt. Jackass


I remember my first time seeing it.
It was a mess of pixels and made absolutely no sense because the idiot was using a low res gif and made a spray in Zombie Master out of it.


Except half of them are resoc'd and probably don't feel fear anymore.

Also, adding to what I missed in my last comment: "With a captivating female lead"

More like they got a huge fucking portion, stop trying to claim more land.

The most nonsensical thing I have ever seen.
I don't know why'd I even watch it to the end.

itt shitton of people do not understand what self-sacrifice means.

Lee got bit and had no meds do deal with the wound. He's a dead man anyway.

Revengeance isn't a pun though...

Wow, I haven't read that since FOREVER.

Now playing

I wouldn't say that it's the best scene in the movie, but it made me very, very happy when I saw that.

Since it launched?

Insufficient Rule 63

eh kills monsters and doesn’t afraid of anything

Now playing

List doesn't have Spanish Ladies? UNACCEPTABLE

Wasn't W7 the first one that has an official mascot?

