Pvt. Jackass

No Roguepool?
I disappoint.


People getting pissed at historically accurate stuff and demand removal?
Nothing new here folks, move along now.

Insufficient Gochika!


I find the constant blinking quite disturbing.

Ethical questions?

I remember this guy.

Nothing beats this though.

Because hiring random actors isn't expensive enough.
Gotta show that we gots dat monies son.

Someone's getting rich(er).

Reading A Dance with Dragons now.
So creepy.

Danny's LMS Killbook is getting a second release if you missed it the first time around. It's cheaper and has more content than the first run.


Hey Cousin Itt.

Now playing

Can't help but feel that this would make it more interesting.

It's the same everywhere with everything, really.


They should've sued Bioware for a A B C ending instead.

On the contrary, I think that these exist only because they have no issues with people crawling into animal crotches...