Pvt. Jackass

What a shame, right?

Got Skyrim for $21 on GMG last month.

You know what?

" This is Not an App is, as the title suggests, not an app."

Saejin Oh singlehandedly won the console war for the PC.

There's not much need to try to understand the story though.

Strawman argument. GB2ArkhProject.

Pity them a bit will ya?

"Far Cry 3 is a little bit harder to define."

Shit son that's deep.

Crowded cities tend to charge a good amount for a single space. Not sure how insurance premium is calculated though.

A single tire is still friggin' weird.

Ew polymer bills.

"hacktivist group Anonymous"

I still remember the days when our government thought that black metal was a cult and made a huge fuss out of it.

So big, so angry...

Well the people who shoot up malls and schools are usually crazy, and parents can't do everything.

Well if this counts as gaming related, I want more gun articles, especially about new prototypes.

My favorite part of the "extended ending" is that you can refuse though.

Better shit is still shit, mind you.