Pvt. Jackass

Well if somebody enjoys being stuck on the main menu, who am I to tell them to not enjoy it?

Not saying anything about the game itself though.

So you're saying that just because you did not do that one thing that you think is biased makes you unbiased? Come on, getting it on PC for graphics is like getting it for console for controls. They're just different reasons for preferring the platform of your choice.

Work well?

Even then my point still stands.

You know what?

And I'm referring to your logic being flawed.

After a while you'll just get used to the sight of it and well, why not?

Free eggs.

So essentially you can't prefer a certain type of food or a certain mode of transport or a certain artist/band/genre because you "take part" in them all?

So what you're saying is you can't have a preference because you "take part" in everything?

Someone here likes it rough.

So you're saying... You're unbiased because you do what you like?

So what you're saying is that you're a completely logical being?

Now let's put it this way. Unless you are a completely logical being (which you are most probably not), everything you do, even actions that you think are logical, is not completely logical and hence susceptible to bias.

Not entirely sure.

You can't, last I checked. I could be wrong though.

The collector in me screams "I WANT" but the art appreciatorsmug in me says "No".

From what I've heard the original Doom 3 with a HiRez mod looks better than the BFG Ed. So If you're still willing to shell out some, and don't care much for the "lost levels" just get the original one. (Though from the looks if it you probably have it already so the lost levels thing doesn't count for much...)

God that this is f'ing long.