Pvt. Jackass

I, for one, am welcoming our new robot overlord - VALVtendo.

You're kinda asking for it with that one...

Sounds even less authoritative...

Suspension Hammer just doesn't have the same kick, know what I mean?

Chell is clearly the dominant one, the turret's gender is irrelevant.

I don't ever recall that it started off free...


Quite a number of people were attached to Mark for some reason, despite him only appearing in episode 2, me included.

And the sale on Steam just ended a day or two ago...

Didn't loot the trunk, don't see Duck wearing it either.

Don't have a PC? At all?

" in one scene, Lee can't reach an item that's just over another character's shoulder, but the character won't get out of the way"

So what's the actual retail price for the Loot Chest edition anyway? I couldn't find it anymore when I remembered about it... And the retailer I'm trying to buy from doesn't even know the price yet... Being overseas and all.

Could be worse.

There's hitting stuff! It's different!

You should just go ahead and try, not like you got anything to lose. Chances are the game would recognize you "watching" the ad.

Kinokuniya says hi.

Through lousy translations?

I find it rather amusing that you can't share your accounts. No, not giving your password away, just leaving your account logged on.