Pvt. Jackass

I wonder if they still have those ten cent bills in circulation.

Because common decency; and the real douchebags are the people running the booth, for letting this guy do what he did.

Actually from the looks of it, he's looking for an apartment at the same time.

I had a star...

I'm baffled by the fact that PR guys found the time and money to hire these photographers and models but didn't spend 5 minutes telling them how to at least hold the consoles/controllers right.

Sure they are, but I've never seen figurines come out before anime adaptations.

Holy crap what?

Well uPlay is like Steam but without the shop (It's separate?), so.... no.

I was drooling while reading through the entire list.

When Activition wasn't even in the poll at all?

Considering larger devs tend to do this to PC, I'd say it's fair game.

There's a huge difference between "Good job, you reached a really high point! Keep trying and you might just reach space yet!" and "Holy shit son you reached space (no not really) you're so awesome you're the king of the world let's give you a crown made of pure gold!"

Well I already did that so... Yeah.

Honestly, I'm still having a hard time understanding what you're trying to say here.

I know what it means, I just decided that it's rather pointless to point out its many meanings so the most popular definition would just have to do.

Won't work on a trained martial artist? Horseshit.

Spread and preserve martial arts?

Honestly, when you mentioned the word "professional", that made me expect a bit more polish on the animation. Not to say it's not good, but it does look pretty damn awkward most of the time due to strange poses and movements.

Wait... I'm confused.