Pvt. Jackass

Yeah too bad they'll never do it.

My brother likes her shit.

Well that sucks. Kinda expected I suppose.

Not so sure about the FBI thing, but Giz does bash on Anon from time to time...

Totally kawaii~~

So kawaii ne~

Dammit I'm kinda sick of the edit button not working all the time.

Well this actually looks like a lot of fun. I'm game. At bargain price, that is. Hopefully any DLC they release won't be console exclusive again, it was total bullshit.

Now playing

What about one with pretty much nothing but screams?

Yes it is, well last I checked. Unlikely that they changed it.

I have a better idea.

I thought that came from Arma 2...


You sure?

I'd say it's more on the realistic side though, going upwards but not quite there yet.

As opposed to what? The nipple suit?