Pvt. Jackass

Haha, "great" zombie game.

Waitaminute didn't this appear on this site already some time ago?

1. I did mention that it's not unlikely for a small country. Also that they're only reposting. If you really want to talk about this being on national TV (which would probably be nothing more than a blurb on that little marquee on the bottom) go ahead and look for it.

Still sucks pretty bad.

Totally a thing now. Streaming that is.

1. Apparently a single internet site reporting on minor news counts as national now. Haha, okay. They're only rereporting things like Huffington Post. Unless you considering HuffPo national news?

1. It's not national news. As far as I can tell the news site is dedicated to western Japan. Also Japan is a rather small country, so small things making into the national section is sorta expected. It didn't even get more than 10 lines. Heck, we still get minor news on the national section and my country is larger

You're too young to be on this website!

Parents aren't always there to do it and aren't always prepared to do what is necessary.

As a guy growing up getting beaten (although my parents did go overboard in a few cases), I approve. Not really getting all this over-protection thing going around lately.

I'd say the same about your moral high horse.

She pieced the password together from the victim's name and birth date to gain access to the account because she was jealous of the girl having items that she wanted. It was done with malicious intent.

What is unnecessary?

So you found your neighbor's house key.

Oh hey, she broke the law and was apprehended, the article mentioned that she was sent for counseling and that was it. Child or not, law is law and you will be dealt with accordingly. And I say counselling is exactly that.

Last I heard that's exactly what they're doing.

Oh wow, that.